The Ouroboros as Pensamiento, or Mind
Symbolically the Ouroboros, or dragon biting its tail, represents the soul of the world within a closed cycle of development. It is analogous to the HIndu ‘Saṃsāra’ or endless round of existence to which all things are bound, as well as to the the Taoist yin yang symbol. It is mercury and, as such, it represents motion, the fusion of opposites, self fertilization, rebirth and renewal. It may be interpreted psychologically to represent the journey of individuation towards wholeness. Jung sums up the Orobouros..."he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolizes the One, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he, therefore, constitutes the secret of the prima materia…”
Ouroboros as Mind. One's consciousness, or sense of self, may be perceived as a closed structure. Closed, yet fluid and mercurial - constantly transforming, and characterized by motion, the fusion of opposites, self fertilization, and renewal. Within it dwells all potential, the riddles of the psyche and individuation. I have used the insect here to represent the mind’s intrinsic nature - its myriad forms, shifting and unrestrained movement, endless proliferation, and what one may feel at times to be its ungovernable nature. Like the proliferation of insects, or like a blob of mercury, the mind can not be nailed down and is compelled by what it seeks, and by its very nature, to perpetual motion . Mind is the ultimate shapeshifter, as thoughts rise and fall and give birth to new levels of understanding. Ouroburos as Mind.
Patinated silicon bronze with convex mirror eye
wall relief 35"high x 37” wide, 90 pounds
Patinated silicon bronze with convex mirror eyes
35"high x 37”wide, 50 pounds
Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans - the subtle processes, reflection and thought, intuition, the unconscious, the psyche, the quality of yin, the feminine
The Geography of the Soul
ceramic with rayon accoutrement 20"W x 17"H